Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Baby Bump

6 months
Here is my growing belly. I can't ever tell how big it's really getting until we take the next picture. David took this picture off gaurd and he loved it so much he wanted me to post it.
Side view image makes me look even bigger. However, we did get good news from the doctor he says that Zeus' and I are doing great and that my belly is all Zeus. When she did his measurements we realized that Zeus is really long for this stage in the pregnacy. So he either gets it from his daddy or his uncles (maybe even both). She also said that my belly looks really good and recomended I look into being a pregnant belly model. I don't know about that!
5 months
I know my belly has grown a lot, but the doctor says I'm doing good.
I'm big because I'm small, if that makes any since.

4 months

Starting to show!!! My new doctor which I love says that I am perfect and have a very low risk pregnancy. My favorite comment he made is "There could not be a more perfect pregnacy than yours" Yeah, were doing good!!

3 months
I don't like this stage because I i just look fat, not even pregnate.

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