Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Baby Borja

6 Months
Isn't he soooo cute??? Zeus wouldn't let the doctor get a good image of his face, again, so she had to do a 4D sonogram. He's such a good little boy. The doctor says he has my chin, David says he has my cheeks, and I say he has David's lips. Over all he's super cute!!!!

I like this image of him becasue you can see his face, hand, and foot. I don't know how he got his foot up so high but he did.
This one isn't as cool as teh other two but you can see his little nose and mouth. He's just too cute.

5 months
This is the first time we got to see Zeus up close.
Of course he was all about showing us he was a boy. The doctor made me go for a walk, eat chocolate and try some yoga exercises in order for Zeus to show us his face.
I've got to say he is very handsom.
I just hope he looks like his daddy.

4 months
I can't belive how much the baby has grown in a month.
It finally moved for us today.
The baby was kicking and waving its hands all over the place it was so cute that I didn't want the doctor to stop.

3 months

I can see more of the babies head and body. The doctor kept trying to get the baby to move and it just wouldn't. Until finally it moved it's hand like telling us to stop and leave him alone. It was so funny I just started laughing. I can't wait to see what else the baby will do to make us laugh. 2 months

This is our little peanut baby!!! It was so exciting to see the baby on the ultrasound machine. But my all time favorite moment was listening to the babies heart beat. I couldn't help but cry. David thought it was so amazing that we talked about it all day long and watched the video at least a dozen time. And tomorrow we tell our family. I can't wait!!!

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