Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Baby Zeus 2-3 months

Baby Zeus
Zeus with Tia Maddie!!!
Looking good!!!
Going to Church!!!
In my G-Pants!!!
Does my butt look big???
Looking away from the camera!!!
Tummy Time with Daddy!!!
After my first set of shots!! :(
My bandage wounds after
getting 5 shots!!! OUCH!!!
So Brave!!!
In my green G-Pants!!!
Ready for a nap!!!
Enjoying my Passy!!!
All Smiles!!!
With Grandma!!!
Those lights are too bright!
Turn the flash OFF!!!

Baby Zeus 1-2 months

Baby Zeus
I am finally a month old!!!
Zeus with Mommy!!!
Getting so big!!!
Smiling with his future
1st grade teacher!!!
Bragley Method Buddies!!!
Zeus 6 weeks
Mohammad 8 weeks
Victor 11 weeks
With cousin Sebastian!!!
Mommy's Doctor - Dr. Neal
"Helping" Mommy get
her class together
Taking a nap!!!
Enjoying my passy on
my boppy!!!

Zeus 0-1 month

Baby Zeus 4 weeks
All dressed up,
he looks so grown up!!!
Zeus with Daddy!!!
Zeus with Mommy!!!
Waiting for Grandpa Jesse
to come over!!
Look at my strong boy!!!
Take a nap,
while showing off his muscles!!!
First bath,
not too excited about it!!!
After his bath!!!
Holding Mommy and Daddy's
wedding rings!!!
Resting on the couch!!!
Can't get enough of Daddy!!!

Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Baby Zeus

Baby Zeus
Finally home
Leaving the Hospital
June 30, 2010
Here he is 6lbs 13oz and 19 1/4 in long
He looks so small!!!
Getting him ready to go home!!!
Napping before we leave hospital.
Mommy starring at her handsom angel!!!

Spending some quality time with daddy!!!

After his first bath in the nursery!!!
On our way to the recovery room with Daddy.

Being held by Daddy for the first time!!!!
Daddy is showing baby to mommy for the first time!!!

First check up!!!!
Born on Sunday June 27, 2010 @ 12:52pm
Baby Zeus weight 7lbs 9oz and was 19 1/4 in long!!!!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Baby Zeus' Birth Story

On Saturday morning June 26, 2010 I was awaken by contractions around 5:00 am. I knew this was it because they felt different from the usual Braxton hicks. I decided to get up and walk around. After walking for about 10 minutes I realized I was still very sleepy so I decided to jump back into bed. Every few minutes the contractions would wake me up but I was determined to get some sleep. Finally around 9:00am I made it out of bed and into a shower. Today was going to be a busy day and I wanted to get started. After wanting to go swimming for so long I finally made a date with my mother-in-law to go swimming at her place. We decided to turn it into a pool party. The whole family was to meet at her house for food and swimming at 3:00pm. But since it was still early and we still had one last shopping trip to make I convinced David to take me to IKEA, I really wanted to have Zeus' dresser before he arrived. We left the house at 10:00am and headed to Frisco from Arlington. Before leaving I threw my hospital bag in the car, "Just in case!" We made it to IKEA and my contractions were getting stronger. I was beginning to walk a lot slower and was having trouble keeping up with David. We were only there for about 30 minutes but seemed like forever to me. We were now on our way home, my contractions again were continuing to get stronger and I was having trouble getting comfortable. We arrived home around 1:00pm and I decided to lie on the couch and take a little nap. The pain was getting stronger and it made it really hard so I watched the World Cup Soccer game, USA was playing. Before half time ended I decided to get in the tub to help ease the pain. I sat in there for about 45 min. When I got out it was close to 3:00pm - Pool Party Time - NOT!! I had David call his mom and tell her we would not make it. Needless to say we began getting calls at least every hour after that. By 5:00pm the pain was stronger and it was round 2 in the tub. My mother-in-law convinced David that I should head towards the hospital but I just didn't feel ready yet. We decided to get something to eat before we left so David went to Boston Market and picked me up some Chicken, Mashed Potatoes and Green Beans Yum! By the time we re-packed the car and left the house it was 6:15pm. As we drove to the hospital David’s phone continued to ring. We decided not to answer just in case we were sent back home. We finally made it to the hospital and I was admitted by 7:00pm. I was dilated to a 3 and Zeus was still at a 0. Now it was just a waiting game with lots of pain. As they take me to my room, David goes to the car to bring in our bags. When he returns he informs me that his mother has already arrived to the hospital and is waiting to come in and see me. She drove to our house and did not find us there so she figured we were at the hospital. Because I want to be able to move around I am not hooked up to any machines but do need to the observed every hour just to make sure Zeus is doing well. By 8:00pm I am informed that I am now at an 8. I get so excited thinking that any minute Zeus will be ready and I will begin pushing. NOT! :( I was able to sit in the tub 3 more times between 8:00pm Saturday night and 8:00am Sunday morning; while remaining at an 8 the entire time. The pain of the contractions did not remain at a level 8 they continued to get stronger and stronger. During the night I tried everything I learned in my Bradley Method course and nothing helped. David and I walked all around the hospital, I rocked on an exercise ball, I got on all fours, took long baths in the tub and yet Zeus refused to budge anymore. I remember that in between my walks I would look out the window hoping the full moon or eclipse which occurred that night would help. At 8:00am when the doctor came in to check on me, he decided to break my water hoping this would speed the process. He said he would come back in an hour and assured me I would have my baby before noon. All I could think about was that noon was soooo far away, 4 more hours I was beginning to think I could not do this. The pain was so bad I began to cry I was beginning to have trouble breathing and did not think I could do this anymore. At 9:30am when the doctor came back he said I was finally at a 9 yay! I thought that my baby would definitely be born by 10:30am. Well, when the doctor came back it must have been close to noon. And guess what still no baby! He checked and realized that I was retracting I was at a 7 now. I could not believe it. He talked to David and told him we were going to have to do a Cesarean the one thing I did not want. But, by this point I was so exhausted I did not argue. More nurses came in they gave David a blue suit and put me in a robe. It was time. They rolled me off into another room; David was there by my side as they gave me a spinal block and proceeded. At 12:52pm on Sunday June 27, 2010 I heard our little boys’ first cry. I could not believe he was finally here after nine months and 32 1/2 hours of labor our baby had arrived. I wanted to cry so badly but was afraid my stomach would shake and the doctors would mess up. At 1:02pm, David brought him to me and I was able to finally see that precious little boy. I can't explain how I felt, but it was a feeling I know only a mother can understand. I loved him so much before while he was growing in me. But Now I love him so much more. Our baby weighed 7 pounds 9 ounces and was 19 1/4 inches long. He was PERFECT and still is!!!! I was sent to a recovery room for what seemed to be a short amount of time but in reality 2 hours had passed by. Baby Zeus and David were allowed to stay with me and the nurse let me hold my baby for the first time. We both cried as our bodies touched. He was so tiny and so adorable. I was able to nurse him for the very first time and see how alert he was for only being in this world for less than an hour. The nurse sent for another nurse to come in and do all of Zeus' initial screening there in the same room as me. 2 hours later when it was time for them to take me to the recovery room where I would stay for 4 days. :( As they wheeled me away they took Zeus and gave him his first bath. I sent Daddy with him. On my way to my room we ran into David’s mom, dad, and sister, they were all staring at my beautiful baby through the window. Once we arrived into my recovery room I asked David to go get out son. I still remember him rolling him down the hall way and me already recognizing his beautiful cry. Finally the three of us were together again. Zeus remained in the room with us every night. I could not take my eyes off of him and even though I had not slept in over 40 hours I stayed up just staring at him in disbelief. It was an amazing day, a day I will remember forever!!!

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We're having a.....


Here is one of Zeus' many private shots.

He really wanted us to know he's a boy!!

Little Baby Zeus Borja

Proud Daddy!!!

We finally found out the sex of our little angel.

We could not be happier.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Baby Borja

6 Months
Isn't he soooo cute??? Zeus wouldn't let the doctor get a good image of his face, again, so she had to do a 4D sonogram. He's such a good little boy. The doctor says he has my chin, David says he has my cheeks, and I say he has David's lips. Over all he's super cute!!!!

I like this image of him becasue you can see his face, hand, and foot. I don't know how he got his foot up so high but he did.
This one isn't as cool as teh other two but you can see his little nose and mouth. He's just too cute.

5 months
This is the first time we got to see Zeus up close.
Of course he was all about showing us he was a boy. The doctor made me go for a walk, eat chocolate and try some yoga exercises in order for Zeus to show us his face.
I've got to say he is very handsom.
I just hope he looks like his daddy.

4 months
I can't belive how much the baby has grown in a month.
It finally moved for us today.
The baby was kicking and waving its hands all over the place it was so cute that I didn't want the doctor to stop.

3 months

I can see more of the babies head and body. The doctor kept trying to get the baby to move and it just wouldn't. Until finally it moved it's hand like telling us to stop and leave him alone. It was so funny I just started laughing. I can't wait to see what else the baby will do to make us laugh. 2 months

This is our little peanut baby!!! It was so exciting to see the baby on the ultrasound machine. But my all time favorite moment was listening to the babies heart beat. I couldn't help but cry. David thought it was so amazing that we talked about it all day long and watched the video at least a dozen time. And tomorrow we tell our family. I can't wait!!!